
Fees, hours and opening dates

Hours and days

We offer a full-week’s programme and children attend Mondays to Fridays 8.15am-2.45pm.

Our hours are conveniently scheduled around school hours. This makes the transition to school a little easier, and is also helpful for parents and caregivers of older children when it comes to juggling school and preschool drop-offs and pick-ups.

weekly Fees

Our fees are $150 per child per week (as from 1st January 2024) for children 3-5 years old. For children under 3 years the fee is $270.00 per week (until child turns three).

Fees are not charged when we are closed for the Christmas/January break which is usually approximately mid December to mid January i.e. 3-4 weeks.

We provide the Ministry of Education’s “20 hours ECE” for 3, 4 & 5 year olds. Under this policy children are entitled to 20 Hours ECE per week and for the first 20 hours per week no fee is payable. As children are enrolled at Preschool for 32.5 hours per week the Weekly Fee, of $150 per week for 3-5 year olds and $270 per week for under 3 year olds, applies to ensure we are able to provide a high-level of teaching and learning, lower ratios of children to teachers and our weekly Nature programme.

Some families may be able to access additional subsidies through Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) if they meet funding criteria and we’re always keen to help families who will qualify for assistance.  For more details on the 20 hours ECE policy please see the 20 hours ECE, or go to the Ministry of Education website and read more about the policy under the Early Childhood section of the website.

opening and closing Dates

Peninsula Early Learning is open for all the school terms and school holiday periods throughout the year. We are usually closed for 3-4 weeks over the Christmas break and for all public holidays.


Book in a visit!

We’d love to meet you and your whānau. Book a visit with us and experience what makes Peninsula Early Learning so special. Or if you’re ready to add your child to the waitlist now, you can head straight to our online application.